The simplest way to describe the word attention.
Think. How would you describe this word?
What does it mean to you? What connotation does it enfold in its depths?
The struggle of life is one of attention, my friends. The world is virtually limitless and endless. Why? You have never known anything else but a continuing, perpetuating, and uncontrolled-by-you personal universe. It appears that the greatest majority of factors are outside your grasp. But is that why? That would be the simplest 'logical' reason why. I seek to expound in my difference. The world is limitless in its possibilities. It is endless in the extent in which said possibility is effectuated. To whatever length and effort one seeks to dedicate to a specific cause, I find that always there is more that CAN be done, disregarding completely intelligence or prudence or effectiveness of such activity. Attention.
Attention is the specificity that we display in life. We can and do choose what it is that we do. By apportioning our limited attention, we elect to where we arrive.
Why then is that frustrating? It depends on the day. ;)