Sunday, November 23, 2014

I've Been Dabbling....

.... in many things lately. It's been a great deal of fun and an unforgettable experience. I've been making a lot of decisions lately and one of them is that I would like to continue blogging, even during the times that I don't feel like it.  It drives me to express myself clearly, in a well thought out pattern. By writing, I understand myself better and I feel it is a necessary and healthy thing for my mind. It's a download of my thought; after which point I can reboot my mind and thinking, leading to higher speeds, efficiency and creativity.

I'm going to set another purpose for this blog as well. I've been dabbling in the language of Japanese for a time; and now I'm going to set myself a specific and measurable commitment to learning the some 2000 basic kanji. I plan to do this in the next 90 days. Beginning the 1st of December and ending the 1st of March I am going to daily study the language by learning kanji, listening to native japanese speakers, writing, reading aloud, and speaking the language. :) I'll be checking in with my progress and placing more of my colorful and varied thoughts here for you to read.