Monday, December 1, 2014

Thrive or Survive

I find it interesting that we can grip so tightly an incredible number of inane things. So called 'arbitrary' ideas that by definition are not arbitrary. Thoughts or ideas are easily spread and perpetuated by society and the interactions of mankind. Yet, so much of that which is called knowledge and common is false. I am always drawn to learn more about why mankind persists so obstinately in the habits it has when many times there are clearly better and more beneficial paths to be walked. There are systems and reasonable ideals and patterns, that upon actual analysis and comparison or even conjecture, are found to be anything but systematic or reasonable; rather, they are worthless or even detrimental.

Isn't it interesting that man on his own becomes survivalist, basic, primal, thriving only by the application of self and leverage, but within society, deprived of those needs, he becomes ignorant, slothful and dependent, omitting personal commitment and responsibility piece by piece? If no longer a man receives survival triggers or animal instincts, what then provides the needed chemical rush or focus or analysis or motivation to thrive? Social interaction? A sense of competition? Imagination? Religion? Or a combination of all of them?

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